Despite the false assertion that it is a hostile dog breed, the American Bully is a fairly young breed of dog that is renowned for its laid-back and reliable character. Info on the best American...
American Bully History
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As the proud owner of a female American Bully, you’re eager to watch her give birth to and raise her pups. American Bully pregnancy is relatively uncomplicated compared to some breeds, but as...
American Bully Price – How Much Does An American Bully Cost?
The American Bully is an increasingly popular dog breed across the globe. For those interested in purchasing one of these lovable companions, you’ll likely have wondered what the American Bully...
There are a few varieties of American Bullies out there and one of the most common questions is to understand the similarities and differences between the Micro Bully vs Pocket Bully. The good news...
The American Bulldog and American Bully breeds share a lot of similarities and are often confused for once another, but they are not the same dog breed. It is important when you look at American...
A “Bully dog” is not a single dog breed but rather a collection of different dog breeds. You may have heard of bully dog breeds such as English Bulldog or American Bully, but there are many...